Plant Start CSA

What is a Plant Start CSA?

CSA or Community Support Agriculture is a wonderful way for consumers to buy locally directly from a farmer. Members provide the farmer with an early investment in their goods and in exchange, the member receives a fair market value for the goods in the growing season.

Our Plant Start CSA allows members of all gardening levels to experience the joy of growing their own food. At Wildcat Run Farm, we grow all our plants from seeds using all organic growing practices so you will have the benefit of knowing exactly how your plants were “raised”. In addition, you will be able to pick up the plant starts that you reserved for your garden early in the season!

How does it work?

First, you choose your plant package and then you choose your preferred plants from a wide list of plant options.

Packages at a Discounted Rate

2025 Season Order Deadline: March 15th 

  • Food Garden: 25 plants of your choice ($75)

  • Kitchen Garden: 15 plants of your choice ($50)

  • Backyard Garden: 10 plants of your choice ($35)

  • Hobby Garden: 5 plants of your choice ($20)

  • Herb Garden: 8 herbs of your choice. Great way to start your own herb garden-many of these herbs are perennials! ($25)

  • Flower Garden: choose 4 flower varieties. All flowers come in a 3 pack ($25)


Food Garden CSA
Add Food Garden CSA to Cart
Kitchen Garden CSA
Add Kitchen Garden CSA to Cart
Backyard Garden CSA
Add Backyard Garden CSA to Cart
Hobby Garden CSA
Add Hobby Garden CSA to Cart
Herb Garden CSA
Add Herb Garden CSA to Cart
Flower Garden CSA
Add Flower Garden CSA to Cart

Seedling pick up is available on weekends starting May 10th. All plants should be picked up by May 31st or they will be considered abandoned and will be rehomed. Special arrangements can be made for weekdays if needed.

Missed out on our Plant Start CSA?

Don’t worry; we will have a plant sale on May 10th and May 17th! Stop by to pick up many of your favorites!